Paperless Blog

The Most Popular Paperless Articles of 2016

It’s time for the yearly DocumentSnap tradition. A look back at which DocumentSnap paperless articles were the most popular in 2016. If others are interested in these topics, perhaps you will be too. The most popular paperless articles from 2016: Convert Excel To Google Sheets – Here's How Fix For ScanSnap Blinking Blue Light ScanSnap […]

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Neat Desktop – What The Heck Is Going On?

In the past few months I’ve been flooded with emails from people looking to migrate away from Neat Desktop for their receipts and document scanning and organization. When you get one or two emails on a subject you assume it’s a coincidence. When it becomes dozens of messages, it’s time to see what is going […]

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4 iCloud Drive

Moving From Dropbox To iCloud Drive

Over time, many of us find that we’re paying for multiple cloud services that do more or less the same thing. This can easily happen in the Apple ecosystem – you can be paying for Dropbox, Box, or another cloud storage service and then also throw Apple some money every month to expand iCloud storage […]

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43 ScanSnap Sierra

ScanSnap on Sierra – Your Experience?

The latest Mac operating system, macOS 10.12 Sierra, is out on September 20. How does the Fujitsu ScanSnap work with it? Are there any ScanSnap Sierra issues? Whenever a new Mac OS is released there are often a few bumps here and there, but this time there are some warnings from Fujitsu. Update 10/06/2016: Fujitsu […]

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