Moving From Dropbox To iCloud Drive

Moving From Dropbox To iCloud Drive

Over time, many of us find that we’re paying for multiple cloud services that do more or less the same thing. This can easily happen in the Apple ecosystem – you can be paying for Dropbox, Box, or another cloud storage service and then also throw Apple some money every month to expand iCloud storage for photos or backup.

David Chartier has written an interesting series on his Finer Things in Tech blog where he decided to do something about this and share his experience.

He decided to move everything from Dropbox over to iCloud Drive and you can read his review and lessons learned at the four month mark.

My Dropbox-to-iCloud Drive experiment has gone pretty well overall. Both were charging me $10 per month for 1TB of space, but now that I moved everything to iCloud Drive and pulled Dropbox back down to the free tier, I get to save $120/year.

To expand on this, David joined the Mac Power Users podcast where he compared his experience with what David Sparks and Katie Floyd are doing. It turned into a good discussion of Dropbox, iCloud Drive, and other cloud services. You can listen to Cloud Wars: iCloud and Dropbox here.

Personally, I don’t use iCloud Drive for anything other than storage-within-apps. I am wary of switching to it as my file system, but those fears are probably unfounded as the article and podcast show.

Have you made the switch to iCloud Drive, or are you sticking to your existing service? How did it go if you did make the leap?

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 4 comments

Joel Esler - April 23, 2019 Reply

I switched from Dropbox to iCloud. I’ve noticed that iCloud is a little bit slower than Dropbox at syncing, but much better than

Overall, everything is fine,.

Tony Whitmarsh - November 9, 2016 Reply

I use various cloud services including Dropbox and I can say that Dropbox does support opening a file in situ if you have your Dropbox folder synced to your local machine. You simply open the file as you would any other file in your folder structure.

Donitta - October 31, 2016 Reply

What would you recommend for those of us who don’t use Apple?

Mike Harahan - October 19, 2016 Reply

I don’t use Dropbox for document storage. There are four file functions a cloud storage system can provide, namely: Import, Export, Open, and Move. Apple supports all four functions. The last time I checked, Dropbox did not support Open. When I say Open I mean opening a file in situ, editing it and saying the edited version.

Dropbox’s failure to support Open means one has to create a duplicate copy of it before editing. Box supports Open for Microsoft Documents. For this reason, Box is currently my cloud document storage solution of choice.

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