Scanners Archives - Page 3 of 10 • DocumentSnap | Going Paperless and The Paperless Office

Category Archives for "Scanners"

Doxie One Review

When I opened the Doxie One review unit box, my first thought was “I’m going to destroy my kids in DoxieBall”, but my second thought was “wow, this looks a lot like the Doxie Go”. Shipping in black instead of the Go’s white, the Doxie One has a similar mission: to scan documents without needing […]

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2 Video: What Is TWAIN, And Do You Need it?

When you’re researching scanners, sometimes you will see that this or that scanner does or does not support something called TWAIN. Good to know, but what on earth does that actually mean? It turns out that TWAIN does not actually stand for anything (ah, computer geeks), but you don’t care about that anyways. All you […]

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5 Avoid Horrible Scanner Software

I don’t know what it is, but the software that comes with flatbed or all-in-one scanners is almost universally terrible. Thankfully, there are usually ways around these monstrosities by using the scanning functions that are built-in to modern operating systems like Mac OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, and Windows 7. Over at the consistently-excellent MacDrifter, […]

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10 Mountain Lion Scanner Support

So we know that the Fujitsu ScanSnap is ready for Mountain Lion, but what about some of the other popular document scanners? Let’s see how ready they are for OS X Mountain Lion a week after release. NeatDesk & NeatReceipts According to this forum thread, an update for Mountain Lion has not been released at […]

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5 My Doxie Go Wireless Automated Workflow

Whenever you see a workflow post from me, you can translate that to “Brooks is lazy and wants to automate things as much as possible”. Such is the case with my Doxie Go. The scanner, paired with the included Wi-Fi card, does what I want it to do, but I wanted to streamline process a […]

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69 Doxie Go Giveaway

There is nothing I like better than giving away cool stuff to DocumentSnap readers, and therefore I am super happy to announce another giveaway. The makers of the Doxie Go scanner have hooked me up with one Doxie Go scanner to give away to one lucky reader on Monday, July 16 at 12pm PST. This […]

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1 Doxie Go Gets A Nice Update

As readers of the DocumentSnap newsletter know, I’ve been travelling this week so it has taken me a few days to post this. It looks like the Doxie Go has a nice new update. You can read my original Doxie Go review here, and here is what is new: You can now scan paper up […]

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