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Category Archives for "Mobile"

CrashPlan Goes Mobile

I have been using CrashPlan for a few months, both as my online backup solution as well as an offsite backup at my friend’s house. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with it, but I have to admit that I’ve missed one feature: the ability to get at my backed up files from my mobile […]

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4 Kickstart A Scandy For Smartphone Scanning

I consider myself a generally low-vice person. I don’t smoke, I don’t really gamble, I am not a big drinker (my love affair with the Negroni notwithstanding), and I don’t even have cable TV. However, one addiction that I can’t seem to get rid of is Kickstarter. To me, Kickstarter is one of those things […]

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4 Reuse Kids Activity Paper On The IPad

As I’ve mentioned before, kids can generate a huge amount of paper. Nowhere is this more true than with activities such as mazes and coloring books. Being both a geek and a dad, I’ve always enjoyed’s GeekDad blog, so I was especially happy to see James Floyd Kelly’s post on how to transfer kids’ […]

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