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Category Archives for "Backup"

What Is Your Online Backup Doing?

A nice thing about online backup services is that they are automatic. You install the software, let it run, and then it should take care of everything for you.[1] The hands-off nature of any good automated backup program is a plus, of course, but from time to time I get questions from readers that can […]

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Save Storage Space On Your Online Backup

When I was at the Evernote Trunk Conference this year, I ran into awesome DocumentSnap reader Brian. As we were talking, he asked a number of questions/brought up a number of points that will be great for future blog posts and newsletters[1]. One of them can be paraphrased like this: “When you are using online […]

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Has Your Time Machine Been Completing?

I go on and on (and on) about backing up your computer when going paperless, and for good reason. I always mention that Mac users have a great built-in option called Time Machine that they can use to back up their important files. It is not infallible, but for a built-in application it is quite […]

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How Long Does Storage Media Last?

Over the past few months, I have had two different external hard drive failures. Nothing big lost as I am psycho about backups, and neither of them held my actual documents, but still – it hit home how easily storage media can fail. The folks over at CrashPlan, the online backup provider that I use, […]

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World Backup Day 2012

I am sure you had this circled on your calendar, but just in case, today has been declared World Backup Day. The World Backup Day site has a lot of great resources for how to back up, why you should back up your data[1], and some specials. If you want my thoughts on the different […]

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