Use A Highlighter With A ScanSnap S1500 To Choose Searchable Text

Use A Highlighter With A ScanSnap S1500 To Choose Searchable Text

Fujitsu has recently done a video that shows how you can use a highlighter (yes, a real physical highlighter) with a ScanSnap S1500 to choose which parts of a document you want to be searchable.

Basically, you go into ScanSnap Manager and check the setting “Set the marked text as a keyword in the PDF file”. Then when you scan it in, it will detect which parts of the documents are highlighted.

Unfortunately this only works on black & white documents, but still pretty cool.

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 5 comments

Sophia - December 1, 2017 Reply

Thanks for sharing the information. i really enjoyed your blog article. and you’r writing a good point.

Cliff Spicer - January 16, 2014 Reply

Hi Brooks,

If I force it to scan in colour it does. Weird. I never had this issue when I was using a scan to evernote profile but do when I created a scan to folder profile. I also get a dialogue box up asking me if I want to rename my file and move it to a different folder. I would love to turn this off but can’t seem to see an option to do this on my Mac.

Thanks for your generous help,


P.S. After hearing you on MPU and hearing about Hazel so many times from David, Katie and now yourself, I had to buy it. With that said, I hope I haven’t complicated my system more than it needs to be.

Brooks Duncan - January 16, 2014 Reply

Hmm, what happens if you force it to colour instead of auto?

Cliff Spicer - January 16, 2014 Reply


Excellent video but I was wondering if you may know why I have a particular issue with this procedure. I am scanning in a black and white document on my S1500 highlighted with auto colour detection selected. The issue I am having is it is scanning in the document as a black and white only document and ignoring the yellow or green highlighter I am using. Wonder if you have any ideas why ?

All the best,


Tullio - December 28, 2009 Reply

Does it work on Mac with Yep?

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