devonthink Archives - DocumentSnap | Going Paperless and The Paperless Office

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3 How To Create Searchable PDFs With The ScanSnap S300M

So you read all this great stuff about how the Fujitsu ScanSnap is awesome and creates searchable PDFs, and you’re on a Mac and want a portable scanner, so you drop the cash on a ScanSnap S300M. Then you get it home and find out – wait a minute – the S300M doesn’t come with […]

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5 Document Storage: The Yahoo or Google Philosophy?

Once you have your documents scanned you then of course need to put the PDFs somewhere. There are basically two schools of thought for document storage: storing in a folder structure (the Old Yahoo model), or dumping it all in one place and letting search take over (the Google model). Old Yahoo Model – Folders […]

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