Recently I’ve been asked quite a bit how to use Evernote with the Fujitsu ScanSnap. It’s a great combination and quite easy. Here’s a video that runs you through the processs. The video shows the Mac version, but Windows will be the same concept.
In a nutshell, here is what you do. In this example I’ll be creating a new ScanSnap Manager Profile, but you can modify an existing one if you want.
- Right click on ScanSnap Manager and choose Settings. If the options are grayed out, disable Quick Menu for ScanSnap Manager
- On the Applications tab, hit Add Or Remove
- Hit Add, click Browse, and find your Evernote application. It will likely be in the Applications folder on the Mac, or C:\Program Files\Evernote on Windows
- Hit Close
- In the “Select A Profile” box, choose Add Profile and give it a name like “Scan To Evernote”
- On the Applications tab, choose Evernote for the Application. Hit Apply.
- Click on ScanSnap Manager and make sure that your new Profile is selected
- Scan and enjoy!
Does anyone else use the ScanSnap with Evernote? Do you do it any other way? Let us know in the comments.