DocumentSnap: Going Paperless And The Paperless Office

Need Some Help Going Paperless?


I’ve been paperless since 2008, and I created this free Paperless Cheat Sheet just for you. See the best hardware, software, and tools to go paperless the right way.

Get The Cheat Sheet

2 Ways To Get Started

BROOKS IS JUST THE BEST. Worth every penny! I just wish I had a person like Brooks for every area of my life.

Janine Willis

Good To Go, Inc.

Going Paperless Is Not As Hard As You Think


Choose A Scanner

Use a fast scanner with a document feeder to quickly and easily turn your paper into a searchable PDF.


Organize Your Documents

Make your documents searchable and set up an easy to use process to quickly find your documents when you need them.

Secure Document

Protect Your Documents

Make sure your documents are safe and secure. Have an automated backup and recover from anything quickly.


Paperless Resource List

Your Paperless Cheat Sheet

Use these hardware and software tools to go paperless the right way.