Unlimited Alternatives For Mozy Escapees

Unlimited Alternatives For Mozy Escapees

In case you haven’t heard, Mozy, one of the main players in online backup, has discontinued their unlimited backup plan, moving to plans based on usage and the number of computers that you have.

Now, for $5.99 you get 50 GB for one computer, or for $9.99/month you can use 125 GB for up to three computers.

For your average home user just backing up some documents and photos, this may not make much of a difference, but more heavy users are going to be hit with a big increase.

Needless to say, other online backup vendors are having a field day with this. Carbonite is welcoming new subscribers on Twitter and Crashplan is running a special 15% discount for Mozy users.

If you are caught up in Mozygate and want to switch, Lifehacker has posted the best, most affordable alternatives to Mozy for unlimited backups.

What do you think of all this? Is it the first step towards the end of unlimited online backup? If you’re a Mozy subscriber, are you jumping ship? Let us know what you’re doing in the comments.

(Photo by millicent_bystander)

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 8 comments

@OpenDrive - December 4, 2011 Reply

Another alternative is http://www.OpenDrive.com — Includes all the features (plus extra!) of Mozy Pro, for a lower cost.

Plus, here's a link for 25% off for transferring Mozy users. http://www.opendrive.com?od=NGQzNjY4MzU5MTg1ZV8yN

Jack - February 19, 2011 Reply


Nelson - February 7, 2011 Reply

I've got just under 40 GB, so I'll be okay. That said, if you're looking for some Mozy alternatives, I came across http://www.backupthrowdown.com. There doesn't appear to be much there at the moment, but the comparison on the home page might be helpful for some seeking refuge elsewhere. (Hopefully they'll add more info soon.)

Jos van der Voort - February 6, 2011 Reply

Here in Europe 650.000 people use Humyo. Humyo manifests itself as an extra drive in your pc or mac and keeps a permanent sync with directories you can specify yourself. I you do not care about your apps (like me I am an apple user) you just set the sync for your documents folder and you are done. A simple "set and forget".

Humyo was purchased by Trend Micro in June 2010. SafeSync that is offered by Trend Micro is 45 euro per year for unlimited backup. Seems to me a nice proposition too.

    Brooks Duncan - February 6, 2011 Reply

    Thanks for your European perspective Jos. I hadn't heard of Humyo, will have to check it out.

Michelle - February 5, 2011 Reply

I'm not a Mozy customer, but I certainly won't become one now! Why would I when there are other, competent, secure choices for lower costs in THIS economy?

    Brooks Duncan - February 6, 2011 Reply

    Yeah, opinion seems to be split between a) Mozy is crazy, and b) Mozy is brave and is the first one to pull the inevitable end of unlimited online backup. We shall see who is right!

Nike - February 3, 2011 Reply

This is really so great.It is great there is an alternative because very many people had escaped away from Mozy.I personally was forced to switch to Safecopy online backup and i realised it really suits my needs and above they are cost effective and so efficient.

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