Recently I wrote about, a secure (and Canadian) file synchronization service similar to Dropbox but with some enhanced security features.
In my post, I whined:
This is just personal opinion, but I find the sharing functionality limited. You can share a folder with someone, but you can’t create public links to individual files the way you can with Dropbox or Evernote.
If you do share the folder with an individual, they need to sign up for a account and install the software in order to get to it. That’s fine if you are working collaboratively with someone, but not the greatest experience if you just want to share a one-off file.
Obviously, they were listening[1], because they’ve released an update and you can now share a direct link to a file.
I like the way they did it (though it would be nice if there was Finder or Windows Explorer integration), and I like how you can send a file link and a password separately. I made a little video that shows how it works.
View the video below, or click here to watch it on YouTube. If you are able to, I recommend that you watch it with HD turned on.
This video on sharing file links with is part of a series of quick videos on paperless tips and topics. View more in the series here.
Just kidding, I assume they’ve been working on this one for a while. ↩