Sometimes when we are trying to figure out how to set up our paperless system, it can be helpful to see how others do things. Macworld contributor Lex Friedman recently wrote an article about his own backup plan.
For what it is worth, my setup is almost exactly the same as his. The only difference is that I stopped having my backup drive plugged into my Airport Extreme, and moved back to having it plugged in locally. Yes it is a bit annoying having to plug it in/dismount it when I am moving my MacBook Pro, but for me I found having my backup wireless slowed things down. This way, I don’t even notice when Time Machine runs.
Also, I have a 2 TB Western Digital Elements drive partitioned – part of it for SuperDuper! and the rest for Time Machine.
Lex says:
In his conclusion to his own backup write-up, Dan Frakes wrote that he’s “admittedly paranoid about losing” his data. So should we all be. My total financial investment in my backup solution is cheap—many 1TB hard drives can be had for under $100, and the $60 that I pay CrashPlan each year is similarly affordable. My data, on the other hand, is priceless. Hard drives crash.
I totally agree. Having multiple backups is important and so cheap nowadays.
How about you, what is your backup setup? Let us know your ideas in the comments.
(Photo by aparejador)