Mac Roundtable Podcast Goes Paperless

Mac Roundtable Podcast Goes Paperless


I have to admit, I was not too familiar with the Mac Roundtable podcast until I saw people talking about it on Twitter.

It caught my attention because the latest episode is all about going paperless, and the ScanSnap gets a lot of love in it.

The podcast doesn’t just focus on the scanning aspect of going paperless, but the workflows and tools involved.

There’s also a good discussion of the security involved – how do you keep confidential information secure (or do you need to?) and how comfortable are you with information “in the cloud”.

One interesting thing is that a number of the roundtablers seem to be migrating to Evernote for their document storage.

Personally, I love Evernote for capturing, well, notes and things I want to capture/get access to on the fly, but I have resisted using it for my document storage.

Why? Well, as you know I am all about the online backups and the cloud, but I just like the control and security of having my primary document storage and OCR-ing here on my machine first. If Evernote went away tomorrow, I would still have all my documents in searchable PDF format.

Evernote is definitely one to watch though – it seems to be getting lots of traction.

One takeaway for me is to look into having at least my sensitive documents stored in an encrypted disk image. I believe David Sparks mentioned that he does that.

The episode is great and I have now subscribed to the podcast. Even if you are not a Mac user, I recommend taking a listen at least to the first “going paperless” section.

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

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