How To Scan To Lucion FileCenter With The Fujitsu ScanSnap

How To Scan To Lucion FileCenter With The Fujitsu ScanSnap

As I mentioned in my Lucion FileCenter review, FileCenter is a great document management program for Windows. One question I get quite a bit is “does FileCenter work with the Fujitsu ScanSnap?”

The answer is yes, yes it does. In this post I’ll show you two ways that you can scan to FileCenter using your ScanSnap.

Option 1: Scan To The Inbox

In FileCenter, you will possibly have a cabinet set up called Inbox. Here it is in my cabinet list:

FileCenter Inbox

If not, go ahead and create one. When you create your cabinet, make a note of where on your Windows hard drive your cabinet is located, and make sure you check Use as Inbox. If you already have the cabinet set up, right-click on it and choose Edit Cabinet.

FileCenter Inbox Details

Now in ScanSnap Manager, either create a new profile, or modify an existing one.

To get to the profile settings, right-click on the ScanSnap icon in your system tray and choose Scan Button Settings.

If you want to create a new profile, in the Profile box on the right, choose Add Profile from the dropdown list.

On the Application tab, in the Application dropdown choose Scan To File or None (Scan To File) depending on your version of ScanSnap Manager. This will make it so that it doesn’t prompt you for a file name or save location when you scan.

FileCenter ScanSnap Application Tab

On the Save tab, set it to save your scanned documents to the Inbox Cabinet location from FileCenter that we made a note of earlier.

FileCenter ScanSnap Save Tab

Now, when you scan with your FileCenter profile, it will scan to your Inbox folder, which will then appear in FileCenter. From there, you can process it as I outline in my review or in the Paperless Document Organization Guide.

Option 2: Scan Directly Into FileCenter

This will be similar to Option 1, but we are going to add FileCenter to ScanSnap Manager so that we can scan directly to it.

  • First, create a new Profile (see Option 1 for instructions on that).

  • On the Application tab, hit Add or Remove

ScanSnap Manager Add Remove Application

  • In the pop-up window, hit the Add button.

ScanSnap Add Application

  • Click the Browse button.
  • In the Finder window, navigate to C: > Program Files (x86) > FileCenter > Main and then find FileCenter.exe). Click Open. For you, it may be just Program Files with no x86.

FileCenter Choose EXE

  • In the Application Name field, give it a name (in my case, FileCenter). Hit OK.

FileCenter Give Name

  • You should now see your new application in the list of Added applications. Hit Close.
  • In the Application dropdown on the Application tab, choose your newly-added application.

FileCenter Added To ScanSnap Manager

  • Now fill out the Profile with the rest of your desired settings.

What About OCR?

Since FileCenter will do OCR, you have two choices:

  1. Let ScanSnap Manager do OCR after each scan
  2. Let FileCenter OCR for you post-scan

If you have a large amount of documents, you may find it faster to let FileCenter do the OCRing. That way you can scan away and let FileCenter do its thing after.

If you want ScanSnap Manager To OCR: On the File option tab of your ScanSnap Manager profile. check Convert to Searchable PDF. In FileCenter in Settings > OCR, uncheck Perform OCR on ScanSnap Scans.

FileCenter OCR Settings

If you want FileCenter To OCR: As you might expect, on the File option tab of your ScanSnap Manager profile. uncheck Convert to Searchable PDF. In FileCenter in Settings > OCR, check Perform OCR on ScanSnap Scans.

Once this is all set up, when you scan using your new profile, the PDF will go right into FileCenter, at which you can then process as desired.

There you go. Two options for using your Fujitsu ScanSnap to scan into Lucion FileCenter. For you FileCenter users, do you have another way that you get scans in? Let us know in the comments.

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 10 comments

Crystal T - January 6, 2018 Reply

Hi Brooks, I have the ScanSnap ix 500 and File Center (both of which I love). I’m just setting up both on a new computer and wondering, which OCR is the better to use for OCR quality of scans? ScanSnap or FileCenter?

    Vincent kevin Natrella - January 16, 2018 Reply

    Doing same.

    I also have Evernote import from FileCenter.

    It seems I get two copies sent to Evernote. One OCR’s and the other not OCR’d

T Rodt - June 10, 2016 Reply


Look into using Hazel in combination with ScanSnap. I haven’t tried it myself but have been doing some research on it and it offers more advanced commands for file renaming. See link below. Hope that helps

Eugene - May 18, 2013 Reply

I have a mac and am looking for a good document manager for a future law practice. FileCenter seems to be exactly what I need but it is only for windows. Does anyone know if one could run FileCenter via Parallels on the Mac?

    Brooks Duncan - May 21, 2013 Reply

    I can't see any reason why it wouldn't run in Parallels. I believe i ran it under VMWare Fusion years ago, and don't recall any problems. You might want to check with their support department to see if they will support that configuration though.

jeff - August 29, 2012 Reply

Brooks,…..are you there?

    Brooks Duncan - August 29, 2012 Reply

    Oops sorry Jeff, missed that comment somehow. Well, if you use and like ScanSnap Organizer and you are happy with your workflow, then no it is probably not worth dropping $199.95 for it. If you deal with a large volume of documents on a regular basis and want a more efficient workflow to deal with them, then FileCenter might be right for you.

    I've also heard good things from readers about Speedy Biz Organizer, but have not tried it myself yet.

jeff - August 25, 2012 Reply

Would you recommand buying Filecenter when you already own the scansnap organizer? Why?
Is it the file naming rules? Is that worth the 199,95 dollars it costs?

Peter C - May 10, 2012 Reply

Hello, could you please recommend any good scanning software application for Apple Mac, as I have just moved over to Mac from Windows. In Windows I was using Paperport.

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