It's World Backup Day 2015

It’s World Backup Day 2015

World Backup Day 2015Did you know that today is World Backup Day? If you are going paperless you should be backing up every day of course, but if you haven’t started yet, now is a spectacular time to start.

Check out the great infographic below that has everything you want to know about backups and more.

If you’re curious, I use Time Machine on the Mac for my local backup, CrashPlan for my offsite backup (BackBlaze is also popular with DocumentSnap readers), and SuperDuper! for a clone backup. – World Backup Day 2015
Courtesy of:

How do you back up your computer? If you don’t already, how are you going to get started?

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

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Thierry - April 8, 2015 Reply

I missed this day, I just read the info now.
It seems nobody shared their backup plan, here in comments.

I’m on Mac and I use Time Machine on 2 external drives. (one small that I put in office and one 3.5″ that stays connected all the time)
I have Dropbox, which is not a real back up, but it stills keeps a copy of my data (important + last 12 months of pictures).

I really need to try CrashPlan, with a remote disk to a friend or family, but it’s kind of hard to find. In my case, they are either with slow connection, abroad. Or they have a PC, running once every 2 weeks, which defeat the purpose of regular backup by internet. 😉

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