12 Days Of Paperless Gifts – Document Shredders

12 Days Of Paperless Gifts – Document Shredders

12 Days Of Paperless GiftsThis is Day 10 in a 12 Post series: 12 Days Of Paperless Gifts. If you know someone who could use some help going paperless, or if you’d like to drop some hints, this series is for you. Don’t worry, the regular DocumentSnap tips will still be flowing.

I cringe whenever I see someone put a piece of paper with personal information into recycling or the garbage, especially when it is so easy to avoid.

A document shredder is a safety-minded if not terrifically exciting gift idea. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with wanting your special someone (or yourself) to be safe from identity theft.

Shredders are all over the place in terms of price and features. Here are a few options:

AmazonBasics 6-Sheet High-Security Micro-Cut Paper and Credit Card Shredder

AmazonBasics 6-Sheet High-Security Micro-Cut Paper and Credit Card Shredder

  • Who is it for?: Home users that want an inexpensive shredder that lets you shred paper and credit cards.
  • How much paper per pass?: 6 sheets
  • How about run time?: 3 minutes
  • How big is the basket?: 4.1 gallons
  • Where can I buy it?

AmazonBasics 17-Sheet High-Security Micro-Cut Paper, CD, and Credit Card Shredder

AmazonBasics 17-Sheet High-Security Micro-Cut Paper, CD, and Credit Card Shredder

  • Who is it for?: Home office or small business users that want high security paper, CD, and credit card shredding.
  • How much paper per pass?: 17 sheets
  • How about run time?: 20 minutes
  • How big is the basket?: 7 gallons
  • Where can I buy it?

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 2 comments

Michael Scibetta - March 7, 2016 Reply

For some reason, shredded documents, paper, is not allowed in our recyclables in Central Florida. I must put my shreds in they regular trash pickup. I wish they would change that.

Fazal Majid - December 14, 2015 Reply

The great thing about a higher-capacity shredder (at least 10 sheets) is that you can feed junk mail directly into it without having to slice open the envelope.

Some shredders also have sheet feeders (similar to the one on a fax machine, remember those?). They do have a tendency to jam or misfeed, but it still beats having to feed a shredder by hand when you have completed a large batch of scanning that now needs to be shredded.

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