At the moment, a number of people are having problems using the Fujitsu ScanSnap’s built-in “Scan To Evernote (Document)” functionality. I’ve received many emails, the forums have a number of complaints, and the people who are hit by the issue are getting the following error message:
Scan To Evernote (Document)
Failed to start up Evernote for Mac.Make sure that the selected application is installed correctly.
For some, a bit of voodoo-like rebooting or re-installing appears to have fixed the issue, but for others nothing has helped.
I stumbled across this blog post by software developer Aaron Douglas: Fix ScanSnap on Mac not opening Evernote properly. In it, he figures out what exactly is wrong and how to fix it (at least until the next Evernote update).
Turns out Evernote is broken. is an embedded application that runs while Evernote is running (or while it’s in the background) and if you’re set to English, its name is the same as the main Evernote application. Technically, the CFBundleName is being overridden in the InfoPlist.strings file.
If you have no idea what you just read, don’t worry about it. Check out his blog post for the step-by-step instructions. It’s slightly technical, but not too too bad.
One note: awesome DocumentSnap reader Jeff Knouse pointed out on Twitter that in Step 2, you need to be careful to select the entire string all the way to the end. It might not be obvious that there is more that you don’t initially see.
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