Easily Save Web Pages To Evernote On iPhone Or iPad In iOS8

Easily Save Web Pages To Evernote On iPhone Or iPad In iOS8

Evernote iOS8 ExtensionSaving web pages to Evernote on an iPhone or iPad has historically involved annoying workarounds like third party apps or hacked up bookmarklets.

When iOS8 was announced, one of my big hopes was that the new extensions feature would make it easier to save content to Evernote, and I’m happy to say that is has. You can now save a web page (or any other content you find on the web) right to Evernote from Safari. Here’s how to do it.

First, when you have something you want to save in Safari, hit the Share button. It is at the bottom of the screen on the iPhone and at the top on the iPad.

Tap Share Button.

A “share sheet” will open up. You will see some icons for apps that you have installed that you can share this web page to. You most likely will not see the Evernote icon there, so swipe to the see the information off to the right.


If you haven’t already enabled the Evernote extension, you still won’t see the Evernote icon. What you will see is a More button. Tap that.

Tap More

Find Evernote in the list and tap the switch to enable it. You will only need to do this once.

Enable Evernote

You should now see the Evernote button in the list. Yeah! Tap that.

Evernote Button

A little window will pop up where you can give your new Evernote note a title (it will use the title of the page by default), and you can assign it to a Notebook. I really wish you could assign tags here too. Tap Save when you are done.

Save To Evernote

Once you hit Save, it will work for a while and then when you fire up the Evernote app on any platform, your clipped web page should appear.

In Evernote

I love the extensions in iOS8, and they will make capturing and saving information much easier between apps. Finally an easy way on iOS to save to Evernote.

If you’re just getting started with Evernote, check out Evernote Essentials by Brett Kelly. It is The Guide to Evernote and will save you tons of time. I refer to it often.

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 2 comments

Terri P - November 25, 2014 Reply


Evernote kept telling me this is not yet available on Apple products, which I always thought was ridiculous. I’m a little ashamed I didn’t figure this out myself. LOL. But thank you for this very helpful little tidbit.

PS: I am absolutely loving your website and blogs and tips and such, BTW. Keep up the good work. 🙂

Ken Bagby - October 8, 2014 Reply

Hey, Brooks, thanks for the tip. This too has been an annoyance to me. I wish the Web Browser for Evernote would work on the iPad like it does on the Mac but I can’t figure a way to do so.

With iOS8, I found a complete work-around although there are some additional steps necessary.

I just took this article and opened it in Safari, then opened it in Print Friendly which takes the clutter out of the article (ads, etc.), and saved the cleaned up version into Evernote. The input screen even lets you direct the file directly to the folder desired. I gave it a pre-fix of the date (YYYYMMDD) … your idea and recommendation … and sent it on its way to my Document Snap folder in Evernote where it resides.

An extra step or two but it works pretty slick. I’ve been using it since iOS 8 rolled out.

Thanks again for all your ideas and info. It has been invaluable to me.

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