This post is part of the paperless stories feature at DocumentSnap. Some stories are from readers that have successfully gone paperless, some are still going through it. Would you like to share your story too?
Today’s reader story is by Annie Muller. Annie is an avid sewer, crocheter, and knitter. She was awesome enough to share how she has taken her hobby paperless.
A few years ago I have gone to email patterns. I crochet, sew, knit, stitch. I love having patterns and not having paper or books all over the house. The problem has been where those patterns are as I am on at least 3 different computers (before my tablet and phone so now 5).
When I travel I was always worried about not having a pattern when I wanted to start a different pattern than the one I planned. Then along comes Evernote and problem solved. I am putting all my patterns into Evernote and even on my smart phone I can access a pattern for materials or even the pattern to start something. I am always working on stuff and if I get stuck somewhere like the hospital in an emergency with family I will find a place to get yarn and crochet as this is a big stress reliever for me. I use to carry a notebook 2 or 3 inches thick with possible patterns so I would always have them with me or my netbook with an SD card full of patterns.
I am still working on my system and would love any suggestions you might have. I am learning I think tags are better than a bunch of notebooks to sort patterns
I love all the ideas and am working on scanning my hard copy of patterns and will eventually get them in.
Thanks Annie! I also came across this great post by Shannon Smith at The Finished Garment: How I Organized My Growing Hoard of Sewing Patterns ; A Software Review.
If you have questions for Annie about how she uses Evernote for her sewing, leave a comment and I will try to have it answered.
(Photo by Randen Pederson)