This is Day 9 in a 12 Post series: 12 Days Of Paperless Gifts. If you know someone who could use some help going paperless, or if you’d like to drop some hints, this series is for you. Don’t worry, the regular DocumentSnap tips will still be flowing.
Some of us are typers and some of us are jot downers and some of us do a little of both.
Tablets, apps, and styluses (stylii?) have gotten to the point where many people jot down notes and mark up documents just using their tablet without paper.
Here are some options:
- Platform: iOS.
- What It Does: Noteshelf lets you write notes on your tablet screen in a paper-like interface, but you can also mark up documents and even record voice notes.
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Squid (Formerly Papyrus)
- Platform: Android.
- What It Does: Squid lets you write notes on your tablet or phone screen and can you can also mark up documents and even project to a projector. It is a free app, but you can buy a Google Play Gift Card to give to unlock features with In App Purchases.
- Where can I learn more?
Google Play Store
Evernote Moleskine Smart Notebook
- What It Does: OK, this isn’t exactly paperless. However, if your recipient is an Evernote user and likes writing on paper, the Evernote Moleskine notebook has special paper that is designed to be picked up by the Evernote iOS or Android app when scanned. It also comes with special stickers to automatically file scanned notes to the appropriate place. Handy. Even better, it comes with 3 months of Evernote Premium.
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Adonit Jot Pro Stylus
- What It Does: This is a precise stylus for writing and sketching on a tablet. It doesn’t have Bluetooth, but I actually prefer it that way.
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iPad Pro
- What It Does: OK, I am mainly including this in hopes that my wife reads it and buys me one, but by all accounts the iPad Pro paired with the Apple Pencil is a great paperless note taking and sketching experience.
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