Create Fillable PDF Forms With Nitro

Create Fillable PDF Forms With Nitro

Tax Forms This WayThis past weekend, I finally implemented Mike Vardy’s excellent 1Password Emergency Kit so that if I get hit by a bus, my wife will know how to get into all our stuff.

Mike’s kit is a helpful PDF form, but since I have the handwriting of a four year old, I prefer to type it. Unfortunately, this PDF is not a fillable PDF, so I fired up Nitro Pro 9 for Windows to fill it out.

Add Form Fields

Just open up the PDF in Nitro and hit the Forms tab at the top.

Then hit the Text Field button and you can either draw the text field wherever you want to enter text, or double-click on the form.

Nitro Add Form Fields

If you need to, you can adjust the look of the text field by adjusting the Properties tab under Form Tools.

Nitro Form Properties

Rinse and repeat for each field you want to add to the form. It doesn’t have to be just text boxes. You can add check boxes and any other type of form element you’d like.

Once you get started, it goes pretty quickly.

Fill Out The Form

Hit the Select tool on the left, and now you can go through and fill out your fancy new form fields.

Nitro Fill Out Form Fields

You can then save the PDF or print it out.

Dear Nitro

In case you are reading this, it would be awesome to have a feature similar to Create Form Fields For Page in PDFpen Pro for the Mac. It goes through a document and automatically creates form fields where it detects them on the page. It is pretty awesome.

In the meantime, if you want to know more about creating forms in Nitro, they put together this handy video.

I like to fill out forms on my computer whenever possible. If they’re not already a fillable PDF, it is easy to make them that way with something like Nitro on Windows or PDFpen on the Mac. Do you fill out forms on your computer? How do you do it?

(Photo by Quinn Dombrowski)

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 4 comments

Simon - February 17, 2017 Reply


I’m glad to see this post, I tried it and it worked but I have an issue.

And that is after creating a pdf filable form, I opened it with Adobe Reader, but as soon as I tried filling the informations, there was a pop-up telling me the form cannot be saved after filling.

So I want to ask, please if there is a way to make the form saveable, I will be glad to hear from you on how to go about that (making the form save able).



    umroh ramadhan murah - December 15, 2017 Reply

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ben - February 12, 2016 Reply

Appreciated the article. Do you have a few minutes to chat? I noticed that you are an entrepreneur and I am working on a small project to automate a Client’s order forms – and ideally pull data into an enterprise order processing database. Eventually, this would turn into a basic ecommerce type portal but we are not there yet.

It seems like there are some pretty inexpensive options available now but I would love to get your 2 cents on the best approach.

Perhaps I could contract you for some of the work or pay you to advise!

Not sure how long you have been doing this but from what I have seen, you will have endless amounts of work helping companies go paperless.

Dylla Solutions

Danny Mannus - August 18, 2014 Reply

I have tried many of the apps on my iPad. My favorites are:
Type on PDF
PDF Master
iAnnotate PDF
A recent addition has just been added in the app Textilus which is also interesting

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