I’m writing this from Salt Lake City, Utah where I am about to speak at the much-bigger-and-awesomer-than-I-even-expected RootsTech genealogy technology conference. Paperless is a big topic in genealogy, and over the years I’ve had many genealogy enthusiasts visit DocumentSnap.
I’ve had a few blog posts on the subject going back to 2011, but I’ve never had anything that brings genealogy strategies together in one place — until now.
The problem I’ve always had is that I myself am not a genealogy practitioner. My dad is super hardcore into it, but I don’t have much personal experience. With that in mind, I asked (OK, begged) my friend Janine Adams from Organize Your Family History to collaborate on a Guide with me. She thankfully agreed, and I’m thrilled to announce our new Paperless Genealogy Guide.
The Paperless Genealogy Guide helps answer the question "how do we organize and find our genealogy research?”
Learn more about the Paperless Genealogy Guide or pick it up here.
What The Paperless Genealogy Guide Is
The Paperless Genealogy Guide is a PDF download with tips and strategies to help genealogy practitioners capture, organize, find, and protect their genealogy research and take it paperless.
It covers the things that Janine and I have learned over the years as we’ve gone paperless.
Here's what the Guide covers:
- Why “going paperless” with genealogy doesn’t have to mean getting rid of the paper you love.
- How to set yourself up for success with your paperless genealogy project.
- How to capture paper and take it digitally — even with sensitive documents.
- How to organize your paperless genealogy documents so that you can find it later.
- How to keep your paperless genealogy documents safe and secure.
I wrap things up with my Paperless Genealogy Checklist, so you know exactly what you need to do to become familiar with this stuff.
I Want You To Be Able To Feel Comfortable Going Paperless
It can be scary to take the plunge into going paperless. I’ve been there, and Janine has definitely been there as she’s gone paperless with her genealogy.
We’ve priced the Paperless Genealogy Guide low at only $9 because we want everyone to be able to download and implement it. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it. It was a fun project to collaborate on.
Click here to learn more about the Paperless Genealogy Guide.