How To Scan Large Multipage Documents With The Fujitsu ScanSnap

How To Scan Large Multipage Documents With The Fujitsu ScanSnap

The Fujitsu ScanSnap‘s Automatic Document Feeder is great for taking a stack of documents and ripping through it, but what do you do when the document you want to scan has more pages than the feeder can hold?

This is particularly an issue with the ScanSnap S1300, which can only hold 10 sheets at a time.

It turns out it’s not a huge problem at all. You just need to make one change to your ScanSnap Manager profile.

Right click on the ScanSnap icon in your Dock or System Tray and choose Settings (or Scan Button Settings on Windows).

Then go to the Scanning tab. You’ll see a checkbox that says Continue scanning after current scan is finished. Check that and hit Apply.

Continue Scanning

Now, when you stack of documents in the feeder and hit the scan button, after it finishes it will prompt you to add more pages. If you’re done the document, hit Finish Scanning. Otherwise, add more pages into the feeder and hit Continue Scanning.

Finished Scanning

If you scan a lot of large documents, it may be worth your while to create a special ScanSnap Manager profile just for this. Otherwise, you can just change the setting when you need it (or leave it checked all the time if you don’t mind the Finished Scanning box coming up every time).

(Photo: FeatheredTar)

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 10 comments

ROBERT DIGGS - November 29, 2021 Reply

I follow your directions but I am unable to set my scan snap to continuous scan

Lynn Smith - July 13, 2018 Reply

But how do you place them in the feeder to make sure the scanned product is in the same order as the original? I’ve wound up with each chunk of a 400-page document finally reading like this–

First comes pp. 350-400, then 300-350, and so on. So when you start with what should be page 1, it’s page 350. You don’t reach page 1 (in the scanned document) until 50 pages before it ends.

    Alan Kelly - February 3, 2021 Reply

    I have the same issue. When scanning a large document using the “continue scanning” function it does not order the document contiguously. The scanned chunks ( e.g. 6 pages at a time ) are not ordered in sequence. What setting do I make to ensure this ( I have to post edit – pain in the rear ).


Kerry Marshall - March 28, 2018 Reply

I just go my scansnap s1300i and cannot get the sheet feeder to work properly. Every time I try to scan as little as 6 sheet 8.5×11 it juts take the whole stack and only copies the top sheet. Am I doing something wrong? I specifically bought this scanner for that purpose. If it can’t handle a stack of 6 I will need to return it!

Monica - October 11, 2017 Reply

Thanks so much Mr. Duncan!!! We do have 1 machine that when you hit the “Finish” button, it doesn’t come back up with the screen where you can pick what you want to do with the scan. Like “Scan to Folder” or “Scan to Email”. Can you tell me what setting I’ve got messed up?

Betty - March 27, 2017 Reply

Thanks much. I will try it.

Robert - March 26, 2014 Reply

Super helpful! I was going nuts trying to figure this out.

pol - November 4, 2013 Reply


    Brooks Duncan - November 4, 2013 Reply

    No worries pol, glad it helped.

Adam - February 19, 2013 Reply

Heck yes, thank you very much!!

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