If you have a Fujitsu ScanSnap scanner and are stuck with a blinking blue light when you open the top, this post may help you out. The instructions are for Windows.
I haven’t had the issue myself, but awesome DocumentSnap reader Evan from Connecticut sent in the following. Take it away, Evan:
I was wondering if you were aware of the issue with the ScanSnap scanners where the blue light keeps blinking when you open the top and the ScanSnap button on the task bar shows the scanner is not ready to scan?
I looked up the solution on the Fujitsu site and other sites as well. Each one wanted me to delete the software and reload it among other things.
I did not want to go through all that so I kept looking. I actually forgot how I found the solution but here it is:
1) Go to the “Start” menu
2) Click on “All apps” at the bottom of the page
3) Scroll down to ScanSnap Manager
4) Click on the ScanSnap SUPPORT TOOL
5) Choose the first option – “Recover Scansnap Connection” option
6) Press the “Recover button”
7) Follow the instructions
Which will tell you to shut down ScanSnap Manager.
Once that happens the program fixes itself. I had the scanner on and the blue light was blinking when I did this recovery.
Open Scansnap Manager and you should be all set.
This fixed the problem for Evan’s ScanSnap S1300i, but should apply to any model.
If it helps you out or if you have a different “blinking blue light” fix, please leave a comment below to help others. Thanks Evan!