So I was about to do a post about how Earth Class Mail has changed their pricing plans, but I then realized that I had never actually written about this service before. I’ll have to remedy that right now!
What Is It?
You can think of Earth Class Mail like an online post-office box. Instead of giving out your address, you give them your special PO Box. When mail gets sent to that PO Box, Earth Class Mail will do one of a number of things with it, and you can then access it all online.
As you can guess, this is awesome for people who travel or who want to have a “virtual address”.
How Does It Work?
This graphic I ripped off from their site explains it well:
Sounds Good But I Don’t Want A PO Box
PO Boxes do have some limitations. FedEx & UPS won’t deliver to them, you can’t use it to register a company, and in general a street address just looks “better”.
Instead of having a PO Box, you can choose to have an actual street address in the following cities:
- New York City, NY
- Los Angeles, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- Seattle, WA
- Portland, OR
- Bern, Switzerland
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Zurich, Switzerland
- Dietzenbach, Germany
How Much Does It Cost?
Earth Class Mail uses a monthly pricing plan that goes from from $19.95/mo to $59.95/mo depending on the amount of mail, number of recipients, etc.
If you want a street address instead of a PO Box, it ranges from Free (if you use the Portland address) up to $29.95/mo if you want a NYC one.
I can see big benefits of using Earth Class Mail if you travel or even if you don’t want the hassle of dealing with paper mail at all. Have you ever used their service? How do you like it?