Link Pages In OneNote - A Cool Little Trick

Link Pages In OneNote – A Cool Little Trick

I came across this neat trick on Twitter to link pages in OneNote, and decided to share it here.

If you’re typing in a note, you can type [[, then the title of a Page, then ]]. When you do that, it’ll automatically turn that text into a link to the other page.

I tried this on OneNote for Mac and it didn’t seem to work, so I guess it’s a Windows thing.

Check out this embedded Tweet for an example:

Pretty cool.

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

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Meet - February 28, 2019 Reply

Hi there. Cool trick.

Works when the name entered within [[]] matches with the page title. Couldn’t work out the partial match linking on OneNote 2016.

An extension to this trick is OneNote doesn’t find a page with similar name to the text entered within [[]], it creates a new page in the same section where you are typing. So this can also be used to create a new page with hyperlink using [[]] trick. Skip the mouse.

[[]] trick also works across sections, but within a notebook.
However, I couldn’t create a page in another section by adding section name within [[]]. If anyone knows that, do tell us. 🙂

Joy - March 8, 2018 Reply

I am able to use this method – and it displays as a normal link with a solid underline link. But when I attempt to use this method for sub-pages, I get a dotted underline and it makes it hard to read the link text. How can I change the dotted underline to a solid underline for the sub-pages?

    James - April 10, 2023 Reply

    The dotted underline creates a link to a yet-to-be-created page. When you click it, it creates the page. This feature allows wiki capabilities – links to content pages that you will create but haven’t yet.

Devin - February 22, 2018 Reply

This even works for partial name matches. For example, if you have a page named “NPCs”, you can use [[NPC]]

Marc - July 22, 2016 Reply

Works on the mac for me Brooks, thanks for sharing!

Gazumped - July 22, 2016 Reply

I can verify it works in Windows! Now if only Evernote could do this…

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