Doxie Flip Review - More Than A Document Scanner

Doxie Flip Review – More Than A Document Scanner

There’s been an interesting trend lately: document scanner companies are starting to come out with scanners that can scan more than just paper. Sure, you can scan photos with most document scanners, but how about fabric? How about Beyblades?

These scanners come in the more high-end variety, but I’ve recently received a review copy of a really fun scanner called the Doxie Flip[1].

Doxie Flip Closed

The Doxie Flip is a tiny little flatbed scanner with a 4×6" glass scanning surface. It is cordless, running off 4 AA batteries, and can scan paper, photos, and pretty much anything else that you put on (or under!) the glass.

Doxie Flip Open

Scan Photos

You can scan at 300 or 600dpi. Here’s a 300dpi scan (Full size version here).

Doxie Flip Turkey 550

Pop The Top

Even though the Flip is nominally a flatbed, you can take the top off and use it to scan mostly… anything.

One great use of this is scanning smaller notebooks. There is a plastic bottom, so you can see exactly where you’ll be scanning.

Doxie Flip Notebook

Here’s the output of a notebook scan in PDF format.

The scanner and associated software has AutoStitch capability, which means if you are scanning something that is larger than its 4×6 size, you can scan it piece by piece and it will join it together.

Scan 3D Objects

As I mentioned earlier, you aren’t limited to scanning paper and photos. You can scan fabric and even 3D objects.

In my experience, the 3D scanning works best for objects where the Flip can lie flat on top of it. Here is a scan of my very dirty and chipped up iPhone.

Doxie Flip iPhone

Here’s my son’s Beyblade, which for some reason is on my desk.

Doxie Flip Beyblade

Doxie Software

I have long been a fan of Doxie products, as you can probably tell from my Doxie Go review and my Doxie One review. Part of that is the hardware, but I feel that Doxie products really shine when it comes to software.

They make it easy and friendly to work with your scans, and the Doxie Flip is no exception.

Doxie Flip Software

You can manipulate your documents and images, “staple” them together to join them into a single document, and export them to PDF, JPG, or upload them to cloud services such as Evernote or Dropbox.

If you want to clean up or adjust any of the scans, you can do that in the software as well.

Doxie Flip Adjustment

One weird thing about the Doxie Flip – you can export to PDF, but you can’t use Doxie’s OCR capabilities to make those PDFs searchable. Not sure why that is, but there you go.

Fun and Portable

The Doxie Flip is an interesting device. If you’re looking for a scanner to go paperless, this is probably not the one. However, if you want a fun and easy way to scan photos and other small objects, it works quite well and is very versatile.

I can’t see myself using a Flip a whole lot (mainly because I don’t have many physical photos and don’t write in paper notebooks anymore), but I will bet there are some readers out there who will see this and think “this is perfect!”

  1. That’s a referral link. If you buy a Flip through that link, you’ll be buying me an Americano. Thanks!.  ↩

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 3 comments

Lisa - August 4, 2014 Reply

I have the FlipPal. It has worked great for the my grandmother’s 600 (!) recipe cards (and is handy to drop in a suitcase for other family events), but the autostitch feature seems quite cumbersome to me. Also, you have to scan even a smallish page several times to get enough information for it to stitch together. (I scanned a title page from a 6×9 book, and had to scan about 6 times for it to adequately overlap. The page had quite a bit of text, but also some empty space.)

If your notebook is much larger than the scan area, I think you would be better served to get a flatbed scanner — that’s what I’m thinking about for documents that I don’t want to cut up or risk running through a scanner. (E.g., my grandmother’s hand-bound children’s book.)

Diane - November 12, 2013 Reply

I am torn over this scanner. I have tried to use my iPad and a stylus for my work notes but transferring them to my work domain is laborious and complex due to the policies we have in place.

Reverting back to a moleskine/fieldnotes book, scanning in notes and transferring them using my work laptop and the doxie s/w would remove quite a few steps, including any need for emailing notes as encrypted PDFs, which is what I have to do now.

I’ve been reading reviews of the flip pal (of which the doxie is a re-badged version) , but it’s mostly family tree enthusiasts scanning in old photos. Although that could be added in to my paperless project after my scansnap has gotten through all of my a4 paper!

At this rate this will be my third scanner (also have a doxie go) , not including the one on my all in one printer.. Oh dear!

    Brooks Duncan - November 13, 2013 Reply

    A-ha! I Flippal! I knew it looked familiar. Thanks for the tip Diane. Well, if you are familiar with the Doxie Go, then you'll be familiar with how the Doxie Flip works. Software-wise, it is exactly the same.

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