In 2010, I ran two reader surveys: one for this blog and one for the newsletter. By far the most common request from all of you is that you’d like to hear how other people have been going paperless and what obstacles they’ve overcome.
There is nothing quite like getting ideas from others who are struggling with the same sorts of issues that you are.
To that end, I’d like to open up the floor to your stories. What obstacles have you overcome? What kind of scanner and software are you using? Do you have a cool workflow?
Don’t worry if you don’t think that what you are doing isn’t interesting or unique, or if you don’t have everything perfect yet. I guarantee there is someone out there who is in the same boat as you.
So, if you are willing to share, I have put together this quick form. It should only take a minute or two to fill out. If you’d like to be anonymous, that’s cool. If you would like some free advertising for your blog or business and want a link, even better.
I sent this out last week to the newsletter and already have some fantastic stories to share. I can’t wait to read yours.
Share your going paperless story here.
(Photo by umjanedoan)