ScanSnap iX500 Supports Wireless Scanning To A Computer

ScanSnap iX500 Supports Wireless Scanning To A Computer

In a comment to his ScanSnap iX500 review, some obviously uninformed person wrote this:

I’ve been thinking about the Wi-Fi to [computer] thing, and I really doubt Fujitsu is going to do it. The reason I think that is because I would imagine that they would be afraid of it cannibalizing sales of their network scanners, or might reduce the sales to offices. So, I would be very surprised if they end up adding the ability to scan to a [computer].

That uninformed person was, of course, me. Today Fujitsu has dropped a massive firmware and software update to the ScanSnap iX500 that adds the ability to do wireless scanning to a Mac or Windows computer.

I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the update come through.

Get The Wireless Update

If you aren’t automatically notified of the update, right-click on the ScanSnap icon in your Dock (for Mac users) or System Tray (for Windows Users), go to Help and then Online Update.

ScanSnap Update Mac ScanSnap Update Windows

Once you do that, it will take you through the update process. You do need to have the iX500 plugged in via USB to set it up.

Set Your Computer Up For Wireless Scanning

As I mentioned, the computer needs to be initially plugged in via USB to set it up for wi-fi scanning. As you are going through the software installation, it should automatically start the ScanSnap Wireless Network Setup wizard.

ScanSnap Do You Want To Connect Wirelessly?
ScanSnap Do You Want To Connect Wirelessly?

Once it has been set up, you will see that your Dock icon on the Mac or your System Tray icon on Windows now has a little wi-fi signal.

ScanSnap Wireless Dock
ScanSnap Wireless Dock

Scan Wirelessly To Your ScanSnap iX500

Now it’s time to unplug the cord! Take out that USB cable, put some paper into your scanner, and hit Scan.

As long as you are on the same wireless network, and as long as the Wi-Fi switch is on at the back of your scanner, it should find your computer and scan to it using whichever ScanSnap Manager profile you had specified (or the Quick Menu if you roll that way).

Scanning To More Than One Computer

The way the ScanSnap iX500 wireless scanning works, the scanner is “paired” to your computer. If you want to scan to multiple computers, it is doable but not super seamless. I’ll cover that in a future post.

Here is how to change the computer that the iX500 scans to.

The Most Requested Feature

Many people felt that to this point, the iX500 didn’t have “true” wi-fi scanning because it only worked with mobile devices. Wireless scanning to a computer was by far the most requested feature from what I’ve seen.

That feature is now here. Let me know how it works for you. So far, so good for me. My wife says that I am wrong all the time – I’m just happy it is about scanning for a change.

About the Author

Brooks Duncan helps individuals and small businesses go paperless. He's been an accountant, a software developer, a manager in a very large corporation, and has run DocumentSnap since 2008. You can find Brooks on Twitter at @documentsnap or @brooksduncan. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a Reply 53 comments

bobbi chandler - April 8, 2019 Reply

I am trying to set up the scansnap ix500 to my Microsoft surpace. Is there a way to do it without connecting to a usb? I do not have usb port.

Jeanette - July 4, 2017 Reply


I was able to scan via Wi-Fi all the time, even after changing internet providers / routers and updating all the info. Then one day out of the blue, I was scanning fine, and then scanning my next batch and it wasn’t working. Connect it via USB cable and it scanned fine…unplugged it again, and it won’t scan…plug it again, scan fine, unplug and won’t scan. Tried turning off the scanner and computer, still not working wirelessly. Turned off the Wi-Fi option and turned it back on, still not working. I am not about to uninstall and reinstall because honestly that takes too much time, and I don’t have a CD-drive to do via CD and doing it online usually gives me problems before I can figure out how to do it, so I honestly don’t want to go the uninstall and reinstall route if I can avoid it. I don’t know how to do what some of the other suggestions on here were, such as checking to make sure the network is reading the same, but I am assuming it is, because it will scan wirelessly to my android phone. Any other suggestions?

    Pete - October 21, 2017 Reply

    I’m using Windows, but had the exact same problem after changing routers. I had to connect using the USB to scan, even though I had the blue WiFi light on and pressing it did nothing but flash four times. Workaround….right click ScanSnap icon and select Duplex Scan and bingo, it scan wirelessly.

      Vincent kevin Natrella - January 17, 2018 Reply

      Wireless Scan issue SOLVED!

      I emailed Fujitsu. Within 30 minutes I got a response with a solution that WORKS!

      Windows FIREWALL is the problem

      Dear Valued Customer,

      This is most likely a Firewall blocking the Signal from the scanner to start a scan.

      Can you try the following steps to allow the Manager through the firewall.

      1. Open the Control Panel on the computer and go into Windows Firewall
      2. In the top left click on “Allow an App or feature through Windows Firewall”
      3. Scroll through the list and find the Scansnap Manager line(s)
      4. Check all the boxes on the line(s) to allow the manager through the firewall
      5. You should be able to scan from the button on the scanner now

      Thank you for choosing Fujitsu,
      Daniel R
      Technical Assistance Center
      Phone: (800) 626-4686
      Monday thru Friday; Hours: 5AM – 5PM PST
      Scanner and Service Support contacts
      Scanner and Software Technical Support Knowledge Base
      ScanSnap Community

      From: Vincent Natrella []
      Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 7:05 AM
      To: Support, Technical
      Subject: ScanSnap IX500. Windows 10.

      Scan button just flashes a few times but does not feed paper when trying to scan wirelessly. It will feed paper and scan if I go to system tray and click DUPLEX. The IX%)) scan button also feeds paper and scans when connected via USB.

      Any solution?

      Thank you.

      Vince Natrella
      New ScanSnap Owner

        Jeanette - September 30, 2018 Reply


        Oh my goodness, this DID work! I just wish I saw your post about 9 1/2 months ago, but better late than never! I appreciate you sharing what worked for you.



Hiro - August 3, 2016 Reply

I know’ I’ll be boring, but….please Fujitsu, let us to REALLY share this device.
I mean, it’s very clear Fujitsu is doing what they can in order to avoid a single IX500 to be used computerless by (for example) a small workgroup.
You cannot:
– send to your private cloud, like OwnCloud. I really don’t want to send my private documents through a public cloud
– send to an email address WITHOUT using a computer
– share through network (cabled would be better, but at least wirelessly) between some computers.

All of these limitations are just ‘software’ limitations, but, honestly, I cannot suggest to any of my clients this device because it’s just too much personal.

    Lbutlr - August 4, 2016 Reply

    You actually CAN do all those things if you are willing to setup the right tools, at least on OS X. I suspect that options are available for Windows too.

    For example, you can use Hazel to copy scans to your own cloud folder. You can use folder actions to email scans to any address you want. And you can also use those tools to move files to other computers or users.

Bill Wheeler - May 5, 2016 Reply

I have hooked the the iX500 to a desktop. I can scan using the USB. When I unplug the USB and hit the scan button it doesn’t do anything. If I remote into the desktop computer and right click and do the Simple Scan it works. Why won’t the button work wirelessly?

    Mark - June 8, 2016 Reply

    I’m having the same issue

      Brooks Duncan - June 8, 2016 Reply

      I apologize for the really dumb question but those that can’t scan to wifi when unplugged – is the wifi network set up in the ScanSnap Wireless Setup Tool?

        Ben - July 19, 2016 Reply

        I have the same problem. No matter if it is USB or Wifi connected, it will not scan to my server unless I manually log into or remote desktop into the server.

        This is frustrating, as I want to either have more than 1 PC that can connect wireless at any time, or have it permanently connected to my server so that the whole family can use it when I am not home and have my laptop with me.

        The drive it is scanning to is synced to all PC’s via Dropbox. It would be great not to have to have the family to remote into a server that I dont want them touching, or having to manually plug in a USB cord to their PC’s / notebooks just to use a “Wireless” scanner.

          Brooks Duncan - July 20, 2016 Reply

          Leaving Wi-Fi aside for a minute, you mean if the scanner is connected by USB to the server, you can’t just press the scan button on the scanner and have it scan to a Dropbox folder? What happens? Is ScanSnap Manager running on the server?

          lewis butler - July 20, 2016 Reply

          If the server/computer is on and the software is running and the user running the software is the active user (that is, the computer is not on the login screen or switched to another user) then, and only then, can you scan.

          If you have everything running and switch to another user account or switch to the login screen (as is normal for shared machines and servers) then you cannot scan.

          Brooks Duncan - July 20, 2016 Reply

          Ahh. Yes, that’s the way the ScanSnap has traditionally worked, though now with ScanSnap Cloud it can scan directly to Dropbox/Box/Evernote/etc. without computer intervention.

          Ben - July 20, 2016 Reply

          ScanSnap Cloud might be useful if available to the rest of the world.

          The whole point of having a server is to let it run in the background, along with all the other applications. It has no active user, which means using the scanner is difficult and pointless without moving it around everywhere.

          Wish I had known this before outlaying $550 for a useless “wifi” scanner, that needs to be moved around like a $100 scanner does.

          lewis butler - July 20, 2016 Reply

          This has been a constant source of irritation with the Scansnap. The cloud scanning works for me, but this is a very recent change after years of having to run around, “Oh, you want to scan? Let me go make sure the right account is logged in to that machine.” Sigh.

          And cloud scanning is still rather limited in availability, isn’t it?

Pat - January 6, 2016 Reply

Anyone solve the issue of the scanner dropping off the Wifi network? Keeps disconnecting then reconnecting – goes on forever.

Alnoor Ratansi - October 13, 2015 Reply

online update does not work, I get the message not responding. can you tell me what’s wrong



zero4 - March 3, 2015 Reply

I recently purchased the iX500 scanner. I lose connection to the scanner intermittently. When I first start my computer up, it connects, then after awhile, it will lose connection and then reconnects again after awhile. The scanner is always connected to the router as the blue light is always on. If I use my iPhone, I do not have an issue. This is on windows 8.1. After I had this issue, I tried using my Mac and the Mac had the same issue. Any help is much appreciated. Also, how do I know if I have the most up to date firmware on the scanner? Thanks.

    Brian L. - September 26, 2017 Reply

    I have the same issue. Did you ever find a solution. Anyone else have ideas?

MattTurley - August 2, 2014 Reply

The one thing I want to do with the ix500 doesn’t seem to be something that can be accomplished in the standard settings.

I’d like to scan (over WiFi, preferably) to a network folder unattended – meaning I don’t want to have to reply to any dialogs on a computer.

I have document management software that can then check the folder for new files and process them based on a variety of rules that I have setup.

Any thoughts on accomplishing this?

    Brooks Duncan - August 3, 2014 Reply

    You may be able to. Mac or Windows?

      MattTurley - August 3, 2014 Reply

      Multiple variants of Windows. Network share (4TB DroboShare) set up as a Samba share.

      Paul Young - September 6, 2014 Reply

      I’m also super interested in doing this! Any help you can offer would be awesome.

        Paul Young - September 6, 2014 Reply

        JFYI, I’m on Mac OSX 10.9.4, but want to drop scans from the wifi connected ix500 straight to a folder in a network SMB share (or AFP) share.

lbutlr - May 13, 2014 Reply

If only I could get this to work. “Connect by Wi-Fi” is always unavailable in the menu. Can’t find any troubleshooting on this from Fujistsu, everything there is about connecting via USB. Computer and scanner are on same wifi network, on same SSID, but nothing seems to work.

    Shareen - October 9, 2015 Reply

    I am having the same issue. The “Connect by Wi-Fi” is not available to click on in the menu, and can find any solutions to this anywhere. I did the online update and then nothing showed up. Now if I try it again it gives me an error message that reads “the ordinal 32 could not be located in the dynamic link library….” Anyone else having this problem or have advice?

Sid - April 13, 2014 Reply

Hi there
I have a ix 500 scansnap for my office. I have connected to the server and is accesible through my server computer. Howerver, I have 3 other terminals and I ma unable to access scansnap through the other terminals. WOuld be grateful for any advice.

Laura - February 5, 2014 Reply

I have the wireless network setup, the wifi signal is showing in the taskbar along with the Scansnap shortcut, and as soon as I unplug the cable between the computer and the Scansnap, the shortcut disappears and I’m not able to scan. I’ve been trying the troubleshooting guide for quite some time now and I must say I’m less than thrilled with this at the moment.

    Brooks Duncan - February 6, 2014 Reply

    Hm hadn’t heard of that one. Do you mean when you have the cable plugged in, the little S in the bottom right has the wifi icons, but when you unplug the USB cable the S icon disappears altogether? Is it there if you click on the little triangle?

      rg - July 31, 2014 Reply

      I am having the same problem as Laura. i go through the wireless wizard and get connected to wifi, but as soon as i unplug the USB cable, my laptop thinks ScanSnap is disconnected – i get the S logo with the red circle and line through it. I’ve restored to the factory settings. Nothing seems to work. i’m on Windows 8.1 – not sure if that matters. Checked Fujitsu website for driver updates, but there aren’t any. Thoughts?

@_jacksmith - November 3, 2013 Reply

Massive update! This was really annoying me. Thanks for putting this update on our radar!

    Brooks Duncan - November 3, 2013 Reply

    I hear you. Thanks for stopping by.

lsh - September 14, 2013 Reply

The multiple computers tip is getting a page not found???

    Brooks Duncan - September 14, 2013 Reply

    That is so weird. Not sure what happened there, but it is fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

GD Rothenberg - September 4, 2013 Reply

The one workflow part of this that I don't understand is how do you switch your profile remotely? I also have to go the computer's ScanSnap manager to change to a one sided vs a two sided document etc

Joel - September 3, 2013 Reply

Just a note: if you installed your drivers from the online support site, and did not use the install CD, you may not have the online update feature (it will indicate the program is missing when you try and run it). There are two sites, one for Windows and one for Mac, that you can download and install this program from. This will allow you to follow the rest of the instructions found above. This held me up for a bit, but once I installed the online update application, everything worked perfectly. These are directly from Fujitsu.


    Brooks Duncan - September 3, 2013 Reply

    Interesting. Thanks Joel!

@jorgems - August 5, 2013 Reply

Very good update but I miss wake on demand in order to place the scanner anywhere in the house without having to wake the computer manually.

ScanSnap iX500 can now scan to computer via wifi. | Gordon's shares - August 2, 2013 Reply

[…] Link. I’ve been looking for this for years. I assume computer must run Fujitsu’s evil ScanSnap sw, but still… […]

Jon - August 1, 2013 Reply

Any other info on benefits from the update? Are there bug fixes? interface improvements? any new features other than the wireless scanning?

Brooks Duncan - July 31, 2013 Reply

Okely dokely, here is how to switch computers:….

How To Switch Between Computers For ScanSnap iX500 Wi-Fi Scanning | Tips To Learn How To Go Paperless | DocumentSnap Paperless Blog - July 31, 2013 Reply

[…] In July 2013, Fujitsu released a big software update for the ScanSnap iX500. The iX500 now supports wireless scanning to a Mac or Windows computer. […]

Tam Lee - July 31, 2013 Reply

Yesss, finally. This is basically the only drawback to having a scanner since I'm short on USB connections at the moment. So glad that there is finally real wifi connection for computers. Can't wait for your tutorial on the multiple computers set-up.

@spicermatthews - July 30, 2013 Reply

I have been so waiting for this feature!!! Thanks for letting us all know!!!

Suselew - July 30, 2013 Reply

I second that. I'd love to be able to set it up on my husband's laptop as well.

Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Review | Tips To Learn How To Go Paperless | DocumentSnap Paperless Blog - July 30, 2013 Reply

[…] Update 07/30/2013: The iX500 now supports wi-fi scanning to a Mac or Windows computer! […]

Eric - July 30, 2013 Reply

Looking forward to your post on scanning to multiple computers.

    Brooks Duncan - July 30, 2013 Reply

    Thanks, I hope to have a video up tomorrow taking you through it. It's not hard or anything but there are some steps you need to do.

    Hassan Ahmed - July 21, 2014 Reply


    I am having problem with Wifi connection between my Mac and Scansnap. Soon as I disconnect the USB connection, the blue light stays on but the connection is lost. Each time I install and install, it works for a while but then the Wifi connection is lost (seems after I shutoff and on my computer, so I have to connect back the USB cable. I chacked for updates also. What is going on? Seems so spoky !

      Brian L. - September 26, 2017 Reply

      Same issue as Hassan — loses wifi connection after just a few minutes. Works fine until then. Connect by wifi menu item doesn’t show the device any more after that, ever with Refresh. Help!

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