For some reason that I will never understand, the Windows version of Evernote has included the ability to define an import folder for years, but that functionality has never made its way to the Mac version.
The easiest way on the Mac is to import to Evernote using Hazel, but if you don’t use Hazel you can do it using built-in technologies such as Automator and Applescript (don’t worry, it’s not that hard!)
The video below shows how to set it up. At one point you will need to paste in some code, so here you go:
repeat with this_item in the input
set the item_info to info for this_item
tell application id "com.evernote.evernote"
create note from file this_item
end tell
end repeat
return input
Make sure you paste that that between the on run… and end run sections. Leave those intact.
I set this up on OS X 10.9 Mavericks. I’d love to hear how it works for you if you are on a different version of the Operating System.
View the video below, or click here to watch it on YouTube. If you are able to, I recommend that you watch it with HD turned on.
This video on setting up an Import Folder in Evernote for Mac is part of a series of quick videos on paperless tips and topics. View more in the series here.