Shredding Archives • DocumentSnap | Going Paperless and The Paperless Office

Category Archives for "Shredding"

1 The Papervore Is Hungry

Sure you could go to Costco and buy an ugly and loud office shredder for a tenth of the price, but where is the fun in that? You need a shredder, you need a table, so the most logical thing in the world is to combine the two right? OK, not all of us are […]

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4 Cool Paperless Setup Video

As much of a paperless geek that I am, I normally wouldn’t sit and watch a video of someone scanning and shredding paper. However, I just wanted to point you to this YouTube video by user allenday. He’s got a really cool setup of a ScanSnap S300M, Adobe Acrobat, a Mac Mini, a wall-mounted Sharp […]

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